the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Monday, June 27, 2005

This is going to be quick and disjointed because I have a headache and it's late.

While in Milwaukee, I got 160$ worth of parking tickets and my car towed (impound fee: 160$) in one night. Wheeeeeeeeeeee.

Lifeguarding has burned me, every shift, on different parts of my body. Whatever I do, there is always something not slathered in sunblock.

The cute lifeguard I was planning on asking out is apparently involved, and it'd probably be better not to wierd out my coworkers by asking them out, anyway.

I played Ultimate with Brian Moore and his posse, and now my right ankle is killing me. The price we pay for our passions...

My head really hurts.

My parents are gone to Latvia, teaching english, along with my sister...which means the house is mine!...but then, all it means is I can watch movies louder and leave all the doors open at night and sleep wherever. And drink. It's very nice, though.

I have a credit card!

I'll be working at the drive-in on Wednesday and Fri, I think. I don't know if it'll be working box office, but feel free to stop by and say hi.

Good night.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Sorry for not posting for a while. I've been seduced by the siren's song of the original Diablo, setting up and warming up for the summer jam sessions, and looking for jobs.

I've heard quite a few people comment lately that the friends they're hanging out with this summer aren't the people they expected they would be spending time with. Personally, it's mostly people I had pretty casual acquaintanceships with, and people from middle school. I don't know, really, why that is.

It's kind of odd, but I wish I cared more to talk to the people I had in classes Senior year. They really were all awesome, no exceptions (well, I guess all the Seniors were awesome. Some of the juniors in my Chem class were quite silly.) Even people I care about a great deal I just haven't had the motivation to get ahold of. I think I just fall into something relatively comfortable and then don't reach beyond that very often. It's a pattern I've had the best times and worst times in my life breaking, but I'm comfortable in it, albeit not amazingly happy or in the throes of depression.

Jobs seem kind of...high this summer. Like, when you're used to doing chinups and then you don't go to the gym for a month and it's a real struggle to peek above the bar. I'm not, actually, entirely sure that I'll even have as many hours working multitudinous jobs as I'm shooting for, much less multitudinous jobs. It looks like grunt labor for me.

I'm sitting on a disgustingly orange couch in the most gorgeous student apartment I've ever seen. Graham really does live in style. It's one of those double decker deals where the second floor only takes up half the space of the bottom floor, so the main room is half the volume (literally) of the whole apartment, with a gigantic vaulted ceiling. The windows are damn small, but I guess that's ok.

When Brendon and Davyd and I are jamming I sometimes get the feeling that Brendon gets frustrated with us, or me at least. I'm not a very experienced drummer to begin with, but I also didn't take lessons or practice this last year (lessons were full, and I lived in a dorm and was poor), so I'm quite rusty. I mean, I understand that he plays with the Side Order who are, to a man, fantastic musicians, and he's a music major, and he has a lot more knowledge about the type of music we play, but I think that we're holding the "Something about Pirates" feel even though Graham and Joel and Frank aren't playing with us anymore. Personally, I think Davyd and I could get some really cool stuff done just experimenting with synth and software and sound samples, which is my real interest. The "artistic application of natural, everyday life in a media", or whatever. That's really where I find things fascinating: beautiful, langorous music that doesn't rely on instruments but on the finished sound, and artistic simplicity instead of artistic noodling about like maniacs. I appreciate noodling, but there is a point at which it becomes...frenetic.

So anyway, those are the more presentable of my thoughts. For now.

Oh, also. I am tired of tension. I need to be with some people, in whatever way, but there is tension, so I am not. This sucks.

I hope you guys are having a Lemonade summer, with just the right amount of sour and sweet. Preferably lots of sweet.