the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

so go, now, walk out the door...

Tonight I had a bad day at work. I got in two fights with the manager (Bekah), and got really angry with Sarah. Also, I left my windows open, and it rained. Then, after I rolled them up, the rear window was open, still, and when I was driving it started sucking all the pressure out of the car and pounding in my ears, and I almost...


started crying, from a combination of things. Bad day at work, poor work hours for the last month (and a subsequent shortage of money), the lack of purpose that seems to be letting my life ooze out across its borders and thin so you can see the crap it got poured over, multiple frustrations, Sierra leaving, my inability to cope with anything remotely emotionally strenuous, the cat smell in my bedroom, and a wet ass from the wet carseat.

All of that, and a wet ass? Tell me you wouldn't cry. The pounding hurt.

So I made sure to put some DCfC in when I stopped at the gas station to roll up the window. And it got me sorted out, in a way. And I stopped thinking about things in my normal way, and just as I stopped the car behind the house and turned off the engine...just as I was about to turn the key, the song started ending. And I let the engine die and just sat there in my car. I leaned back and watched the lightning, and honestly thought that if this were a movie, by God, they'd find a 90 Honda Civic Hatchback with a sunroof.

The song ended, and I turned the car off. And you know what it did?

It just sat there.

I was almost surprised. I mean, you build emotion to a point and do something as prophetic as taking the key out of the ignition just as a dramatic song ends and you expect...I don't know. A lightning flash. A tear. Something.


And I looked around, almost ready to cry again from the sheer letdown of that natural silence, and saw all my things in this dark blue car, with the dark blue sky, and the thunder and the rain rapping and shuddering the world, and the sky that would flash, like someone was scattering magnesium into the clouds when the lightning hit, and all I saw were memories.

She didn't move, she didn't light up, she didn't make a sound. Just rain rapping and thunder tapping on a door to a room that you couldn't live in and had no perception other than me. It was the most alone I've been in my entire life.

I let down the seat and unfocused my eyes, trying to see all the lightning and its reliefs at once. Despite the damp, and the cool, and the stress, and the bitter, bitter life, something about lightning ripping through the clouds and fading into neverexistence makes me feel more at home in my car than home has been everywhere else, and more happy.

And more sad.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

you know, i originally started posting here to vent. i can't really, anymore. or i assume i can't. they've been played over and over in front of people, but i still want to talk about things. what the hell?

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

dare you to run

Procrastination has once again reared its ugly head, and I've had to really force myself to decide to finally go get the Honda's oil changed, go pay my traffic citation, and figure out the whole college-roommate-classes thing. It's going to be a pain, but it'll feel really good to be done with.

Getting new glasses tomorrow. Same frame, same lenses, just new frame. The ones that I have broke in the shower a while ago, so I kinda need them.

You know that thumpy, sick feeling that you get when you go on stage? Take that, but minus the exhileration. I've been feeling that, seemingly at random.

I'm really quite an asshole. I mean, I'm right most of the time...nearly all the time, at that, but I'm still an asshole.

It seems like something's just slipped through my fingers, and I'm in the slow-mo period between dropping it and it shattering all over the floor. Things have a tendency to cut you when you try to pick them back up, but I'm kinda locked into it. Not that that's bad. Not at all.

But I doubt anyone leans down to sweep them up eagerly. That's how you know, I think, that you're still ok; when you know you have to risk hurting yourself so you do, but you don't look forward to the process.

So don't quit.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

It's not everyday you stay up until 5:00 to burn 30 cds.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

maybe Big Brother was on to something...

So, I had to go to my parent's today (they're kicking me out of my room already!) to clear out my room (ARGH!).


Oh, right. I was too offended for a second to remember what the point of that was. Anyway, I got my AP scores. As follows...

AP Micro Econ: 3
AP Chemistry II: 3
AP Lang and Comp: 4
AP Psych:4
AP Lit and Comp:5


Take THAT...people who were...rude...

...shut up.

We got a new kitty. He's small (very), and stinky, and he sneezes a lot, but I like him. Martin is his name. His ears are big.

Daily Show time! Adios!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


This saturday, Something About Pirates is going to put on a little outdoor jam at Demmler. It'll be pretty low key, and it'd be awesome if anyone who could, came. Would come. Whatever.

So anyway, look for posters in the 3rd ward probably going up tonight...I might find some places around town to post too but it's nto a big show or anything, just kinda...picnic quality. so go crazy. at the show.