the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Rarely do I randomly flip channels to VHI or MTV and find them playing music videos.

Rarely do I find them playing a song I haven't heard many, many times.

And tonight for the first time in memory I heard two new songs, in a row, that were really good. Travis' s new album sounds quite good, judging from "Close to You" (title?). I've always like Micheal Buble's sound and not many of his songs, but "Everything" is quite good.

So, check those out. If you like the Travis song, also try to get ahold of anything from The Man Who, also The Invisible Band, both are amazing CDs (although I like The Man Who much more than the latter). Of the mix cds I've made during emotionally charged periods of my life (ie, the only time when I've bothered making mixes), Travis has consistently made appearances.

Suggested Songs (Travis):
(why does it always) Rain on Me

I'm not too familiar with Buble, but Fever and Come Fly With Me are both excellent.

On to the updates!

Passed enough classes to go back to school next semester. Summer is boring. Work schedules haven't picked up much, so I'm spending a lot of my time being unconstructive on the intraweb. Talked to Glenna for the first time in a long time, which was nice because I miss the snotty little brat. Drinking a lot of Diet Dr. Pepper...curse you, Culoumbe! Trying to figure out how I can make enough money this summer to take care of expenses AND go to Valley Fair with the Morris boys AND meet up with my bitches from swim team AND meet up with the 3rd Ward gang to jam for a bit.

The only thing worse (reasonably worse) than not having anything scheduled is being unable to do anything interesting to pass the time. I miss WoW and friends and being able to watch DVDs, so I'm falling even further behind with respect to Movies.

Shit, I just realize I totally forgot about my volunteer hours at the Coop today. Poop.

Umm...that's all I've got for now. Hope everyones' summer is going swimmingly, this one's looking like it could turn out to be really cool.


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