the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Evan Mowry
UMM Mail 248
6oo E 4th St.
Morris, MN 56267-2132

I'll get back to you guys when I figure out my phone number.

Hopefully you're having an awesome time at school/last few days of summer. I've been having a pretty good time.

Friday, August 27, 2004

I did post, but the internet went barmy. I dunno about this whole thing. It's interesting, but...

Man, I cannot wait for classes to start. Just going to orientation things for three days is going to get REALLY boring.

I really want people to visit, but the only people who can visit are very far away.

My roomate's cool. His name is josh and he is a recovering opiate-head. He likes Radiohead, which gets him mad props in my book.

And despite all of this, or perhaps because all of this, I can't stop thinking about things that I should not be. Get over it, Evan, you're at school now.

Well. good luck with school, guys! Have a good remaining week of vacation, or whatever is left.

Go see Hero, that movie looks sa-weet.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

you can't keep running away from what you're trying to find

I am, sad to say, not unique in this post. The sentiment herein is being echoed by hundreds of thousands, I'd imagine, of college freshmen, in some form or another.

It feels like 8:00, when you're sitting in an airport after a two hour drive, waiting for your 8:15 flight to board. Deep down, if this was the first time, you'd be anxious, but it seems like the millionth time you've taken the 8:15 from minneapolis/st paul to pittsburgh.

Take a line from a song you appreciate, but don't love, and apply that lyric to your life. Do it once a day, if possible.

I had a really wonderful and a really horrible time in High School. Glad to say the horrible bits were my fault, for the most part. At least, anyone reading this can easily take credit for the wonderful parts. I hope college is the same, but perhaps with less of my own bad...ness...

There's a coke ad about surfers that I really, really like.

715-210-1474 (<---that's me :) )

For the time being. When I know precisely what my address and phone number will be at Morris, then I'll post that up here.

And so, with no further adieu, I end the second to last high school post of my life, regarding my life, in what serves as the chronicles of my life.

Pretty faux-epic, eh?