the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I mean, come on. Who stops when they're tired?

I apologize for the extremely long absence from these pages. I never anticipated such a rocky transition this year, from...well, I can't really explain it. I guess just from junior year to graduated. It's quite a change, and I've had to drop some things for a while to stay afloat, so it seems.

Explanations are in order for a lot of things, but the big one is that I'm no longer living at home. I moved in with Nik and Bekah Hebert, up on Germania, because my parents arbitrarily decided that my lack of enthusiasm (to put it lightly) meant I wasn't responsible enough to take care of the house (to put it lightly).

I don't quite understand their reasoning either.

I've had a great time, living on my own. I'm working two jobs, taking care of ALL my expenses (a very, very empowering thing, that), and am basically free outside of the obligations I set for myself. In short, I didn't really realize how stressful my parents were until I moved out. I knew they were, but I didn't know that you could get rid of it.

So in a sense I ran away. But nothing bad is happening, everything's just changing. For the better, mostly.

I'm spending some time drumming for Something About Pirates (which is a goddamn blast), some time on the computer dinking around, some time playing Magic, a lot of time working at Hillcrest and the Gemini, and more time than you'd think checking Farenheit 911 times and trying to fit my schedule around the soonest show.

I am very tired, and I have moments of hilarity and moments of depression, and sometimes I get more pissed off than I'd like to about little things, but I'm trying to deal with it. And I'm having a lot of fun.

But two things that are just total let-downs have happened: first, my cds are either lost or stolen. I had bought a car vizor and put 20 of my best cds in it, and now I can't find it at all, and second, I lost the crown jewel (pun not intended) of my jewelry work this year.

So anyway, I'm very sad about that, and really just want them back, but I need to go have some fun.

For now you can reach me at Bekah's cell phone, which is 579-1323. I'm hardly ever on AIM, but I'd like to hear from you all just the same.

ergh. that rhymed. I'm done.