It's pretty late on a sunday, and I just finished a long-ass Sociology of Deviance paper.
I'd really like to apolgoize for not having updated in a long time, and also for not really updating right now. Here's a quick, boring, uninspir(ed/ing) list of what's gone/going on/going to go on.
Curacao over winter break.
Sleeping like a wee babe tonight.
Bent outta shape over things I really should have left behind a long time ago.
I have books to send, and a person to send them to, but I have no location to send them to.
The stars have been beautiful, as have the geese.
I'm all-around irritated with people here in Morris. Only a few of them are as cool as I remembered them being from last week.
Magic is interesting again.
Computer coming soon, as I finally got the loan stuff straightened out.
I have black lights in my room.
I won't be home until like January 12th or so. How fucking crazy is that.
I might be bouncing on Water St. this summer. How fucking crazy is that.
I'm passing both French and Statistics this year. How fucking crazy is that.
SO: I love you, but I'm uninspired to express it. Good night.
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