How disjointed was THAT?!?
Sorry about that last post. The Public Library isn't exactly the prime spot for candidness (candidacy? Something wot means me being honest...)
I feel good. I've fasted all day, with a bottle of Powerade and a cup of Cider to keep me going, and I am SO ready for tomorrow. Three full meals....*slobber*
I feel good. Things seem to be going relatively well for most people, or at least turning around. Things are going wonderfully for me....or if they aren't, I am blissfully unawares. Works, though.
I'm gonna echo like EVERYONE's statements here and say that Earl is a dick. He gets really pompous and offensive sometimes...sigh. Parents. They all suck. Some are worse than others, but if you get down to it it's hard to truly be happy until you leave home. It's a pressure thing.
Gotta go. Write some emails, get to bed, sleep, you know the drill. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings that weren't really ramblings and were quite half-assed even as pseudo-ramblings go. It means a lot to me.
Have a comfortable night.
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