Sorry about that barrage of useless, innacurate personal knowledge last post. It was uncalled for...Honestly, though, those quizzes are neat-o.
I went to the Rock for Food benefit night. It was pretty good. There's not a whole lot else to say...other than Ian Pope is a MADMAN!!! He was moshing, or at least standing in the middle of those stupid juniors that start moshing during slow songs, pretty much the whole time and with the security guards right there. Perhaps I exaggerate, I wasn't exactly following his every move.
Today I hung out with Sierra and we went for a walk and then talked for a bit. It was good, but I got really tired after I left. Maybe she takes out of me than I realize, or maybe my sleep-deprived brain was starting to shut down and tricked me into doing things my body couldn't healthily handle. Either way, I had a great time and I figured some things out.
I am so tired right now, and I have to get up and go to church in the morning. Good night, all. I apologise for the short post but a lot of what's going on right now is going on behind closed doors and is rather sensitive.
PS: Current score is 6-0...I'm losing. Woof. If she can get to ten before I can...I don't really want to think about that.
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