the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Mippity Mippity Moo.

People are really confusing. I just get flung around with their mood swings and end up getting dropped...

...horizontally... great velocity....

...straight into a conveniently located brick wall.

I also hate when people can't admit they're wrong. GAH!

Here we go...

Suzie. I don't hate you. I'm not ignoring you. Feigning/Inducing a relapse or whatever is not going to give you more time with me, it's going to cause me to freak out and screw things up...which is, sorry to say this, extremely selfish. I like you, I like what we have now, but don't try to manipulate me. I'm not playing that game.

I'm sorry if that isn't what's going on. It's just I have to expect odd things from you. Please talk to me about it. I feel like you haven't loosened up since last Wednesday. I'm still the same person I was on Tuesday, if a little wiser.

Sierra is changing...from just a love interest to a friend and love interest. It's awesome. This is like the reverse of what usually happens. It's exciting!

Seriously, what the hell do you guys want for Christmas (or, rather, Xmas, as the day after Christmas is a little more of a realistic gathering-time than Christmas). I've gotta get started now, otherwise car-nazis will fuck up all plans to get stuff for come on! Hurry up!

Swimming starts soon...and I'm getting a hair-...trim, I guess. It'll look hot. After the swimming season I'm gonna be the Cassanova of the school. No joke. I'm gonna have to rent a stretch limo after school just to hang out with all my girlfriends.

Lauren, tell Wren and Sara that they rock my socks. (...?)

My ego is WAY too big.

Go to bed! All of you! Get better! Get your homework done! Live a full life and fall in love...and then tell who you've fallen in love with! Be better people! Vote Kucinich!


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