the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Glorious, glorious huge cheques that aren't written to me!!!

Only through thee would I be able to obtain my very own, gorgeous, beautiful, heavenly, smooth, perfect guitar! Oh, happy day! I need to learn to play it...

No worries. I've got lots of material to write songs about, and lots of time on weekends...

Which reminds me, BagelCON is this weekend! Awesome!

Despite me being abomidably tired, hungry, and emotionally traumatized, things are looking up!

Today, I was sitting in second hour, just kinda babysitting Danny, when it hit me that, like, four songs in a row on What's the Story are directly applicable to me. Don't worry, I'll have mix-tapes out in a jiffy...or mix cds. But tapes would be hella-retro, so I think that's what you'll get. It might take some time to gather them all up, though.

PS: I've probably spent about 100 fridays playing an average cost of 12$ per, that's like 90-odd cds...what a dumbass I be, arrr.

So, quote of the day is me saying "Arr me maties, I be a salty sea-dog indeed. Arr." Joel got a kick out of it, 'cause it's kinda dirty (tee hee!).

Thing that happened of the day is neither Sierra, Jenny, Jakob, OR Emily did their English homework over the weekend...and I DID! WOOT!

It's not that great, but today wasn't all that great. And buying something awesome, while really awesome, doesn't count.

Have a good night. I mean it.

...maybe I should get up at three in the morning and not eat all day more often. Today was better than it should have been....


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