I hate my parents.
Tonight, I actually do. Here's the deal:
Last weekend, my dad was away. He called, and asked me to do two hours of outside work instead of the normal one because I was unable to get my car insurance payment for the month and that would serve as part of the compensation for the 20$ that I have to shell out twelve times a year.
That weekend, I cashed my Birthday check from my grandparents for 100$, and used 80$ of it to pay for the next four months of car insurance. So, I only did an hour-and-a-bit of outside work, because I figured I had negated the need for extra work.
This Thursday, I asked if I could have the car for Friday. Mom and Dad said yes, but I had to get everything done Saturday or I could do nothing on Sunday. Sounds fair to me, I thought. I had a blast Friday, and was 15 minutes late getting home because I gave three people rides home.
So today, after getting up at nine, spending maybe 2 hours on the computer, and doing all my indoor chores, homework, and (totally without complaint) doing close to 2 and a half hours of outside work raking the whole yard (we have a very large front and back yard, titled "his majesty, the Yard"), I asked if I could go to Jenny's Matrix/Peace Child get-together, which I had told them about the weekend before and on Thursday.
They said no.
Neither of them was using the Honda, so that wasn't it.
I could not ask for a ride from Jenny; apparently I am totally grounded.
My GPA is the highest at quarter than it's ever been my entire High School career, despite my schedule being the most intense this year also, so grades aren't the issue.
I am missing only one assignment in AP Chemistry II. Those of you who know me, know that this is an amazing statistic.
I reminded both of them what they had told me about doing things this weekend, and why they had told me to do an extra hour of work last weekend. Dad said that this was punishment for not doing two hours of outside work last week.
#1: Is it right to punish someone for not doing something you told them to do, when they were under the impression that reason A was why it needed to be done, and when they had taken care of reason A after you told them to do whatever they were supposed to do? (so, would it be right for Prez. Bush to execute a lackey for not nuking Russia, if the lackey had discovered that the "Russian spy plans" were just kids playing war?)
#2: What can you logically interpret from this?
"You have to do all your work Saturday or you may not play on Sunday."
A: You may not play Saturday or Sunday unless you get your work done.
B: You may not play Saturday regardless how quickly you complete your work, and you may play Sunday if you complete your work on Saturday.
C: You may not play more this weekend until you have completed your work, and depending on how much effort I have to put into making you do your work, you may be deemed "argumentative and lazy" and not allowed to anything anyway.
#3: Would you be angry at your child for being 15 minutes late, if they were not under a legal curfew and they had used the time to give their friends a ride home, who otherwise would have had to walk through college-town at 11:30 on Halloween.
The correct answer, in case you were wondering, to #1 is "NO".
There is no correct answer to question #2, as my parents have deemed me "argumentative and lazy" despite how well I slaved today, and in spite of what they themselves told me.
The correct answer to number 3, in my case at least, is NO. May God have mercy on your soul if you said yes.
So right now, I'm just a teeny little bit pissed. And that's going to get me in trouble next week. I think they just don't like me being too independent; like it makes them feel old or sad or something, so they treat me like a child to keep me a child...Which works admirably, because there is no way I can just say "OK, I can accept that." and walk away from them after that shit-fest. I have to get mad, and that probably justifies it.
Bleh, I'm just tired of it.
I'll write some more later, everything I post right now would be horrendously cynical.
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