Why is it...
...that when you have a "personal day" after not being used to them...
that you end up drained, emotionally? I mean, I'm in the middle of a four day weekend, I got a silver at Forensic's state, and I had a good time talking with Dutter and going apeshit on CS all day.
And I can't seem to care about anything.
Tried to study. No good.
Tried to build a few decks. Nada.
Tried to write emails/letters. I can't think of anything important to say, or at least nothing important enough to say but unimportant enough to say carelessly.
I'm going to just drown myself in music, I think. I'll let other people feel for me.
It doesn't seem very healthy, though: not doing my own thinking.
In case anyone cares, I'm not depressed. At least I'm pretty sure I'm not. Just tired in a way only certain things can fix. I've been at the computer for far too long already. Please have a great night: go party or drive around with someone or something. And if you want me along, please call me.
And look at the sky. It's wonderful tonight.
Tonight is a night for l(o/i)ving.
"are you gonna to live your life wandering
standing in the back
looking around?
are you gonna waste your time
how you grew up
how you're missin' out?
I'm on my feet
I'm on the floor
I'm good to go
I wanna always feel like part of this
was mine
I wanna fall in love tonight"
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