the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I should warn you

I go to sleep.
I know you don't know what I mean.

If I was compositionally inclined, in the musical sense, I think that I could write songs and perform them once for my whole life. One performance per song. My life in music.

One song, one person. One lyric, one thought. One chord, one pang.

I was talking and giving advice to Glynis today, on the bus-ride home from school.

Tomorrow will be unfulfilling, personally.

Academically, fine.

I think I'd like to see a movie other than Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind tomorrow. Anyone want to come?

It's a good thing I don't have swimming tomorrow, as I'm going to have a treat for second hour that I have to make in the morning.

You know what I hate? Posts that aren't deep, aren't saying anything of importance, but are at least important enough not to delete even when you whine that they are.



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