the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Shit. Suzie's been going anorexic again, and I've kinda been thrown into it. It's kind of pathetic, I have this "I've gotta do everything" complex, like I feel responsible for everyone. So I did the GLASS booth for Parent Night 'cause noone else cares enough to do it. And I went to dinner with Suzie and Jenny and got her to eat a Quesadilla. Suzie, not Jenny. Jenny's fine.
Confession time. Evan's got a crush on SOOOOOO-zie!
I did, at least, now it's kind of a "I hope she's bi" sort of thing even though I know she's not. This is really sad. Only a moron like me could fall for a lesbian. To be fair, she isn't your stereotypical bull-dyke, but still. I should have been able to figure that out.
What the fuck is wrong with people? WHAT the fuck is wrong with ME?
Why does this world make less and less sense? I really don't like being in love with a lesbian, having a lot to do, and missing a lot of stuff that makes me happy. I know it's for a good cause (aka: YAC), but I really wish it didn't kill so many weekends.


Anna Nielsen---Shit. She's a freshmen.
Sierra Pope---Brains. Sense of humor. Quite a package.
Suzie Mahkowski (I killed that last name)---Too bad she's a lesbian. For me, that is.
Lauren Scott---Too bad she really doesn't go to this school and is freshmen age.
Jane Callenbach---Also a freshmen. Really pretty skin and very friendly. Not in a dirty way, pervert, just in a friendly one!

Oh yes, and Drew's little sister. But I don't really know her, I just think she's cute.

I'm sorry you guy's have to read this (not that you have to, really) 'cause I wish I had something important to say. Maybe I do. But you'll have to sleep with me to hear it. It's important....really. I'd want to hear it, if I were you.

Really. Important, this.


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