the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

I miss Lauren.

She hasn't even left for school yet but still...

..but maybe she'll read this! *perks head up*

"Lauren"...*types furiously*..."I miss you already. You are so energetic and honest to your friends that I am running out of things to say that make this sentence sound like it's been furiously typed..."

Enough of that, it's too late for such things.

Note to self: Download "where's Jerry Lewis" by the Frogs.

Sierra, Alex, Kirri (spelled correctly? correct name, even?) and Jessica came by the Drive-in this/last ngiht to watch American Wedding. Their car wouldn't start. Silly girls. It's good to be friends with people again, after a long, lonely summer. I can't wait to talk to all the sophomores and juniors that are cool. Freshmen too...I gue-(long, drawn out "e")-ss.

It really was tragic what happened to the first post. I was dissapointed with the world after that...


Life goes on. I keep on forgetting stuff at the drive-in. I've left three shirts, a nalgene, and a notebook there.

Next post will contain a poem.

It might mean something...

it might not.

It might be sad...

it might not.

It might be new...

it might not.

It might be good...

well, at least it'll be good!

'Night, all.


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