the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Wow that last post was creepy. I hope I don't start to write like that in the journal all the time. Eugh.

Funny story. Alex is telling me how he couldn't work at the Budget Theatre because one of the assistant managers talks a lot about silly little things. He went on about it for a while.

I realized that I really suck at poetry. None of it's any good. I'm not even sure if I like poetry in general. What a time to have that revelation, after like a bajillion creative writing courses.

I don't think I could teach something that requires people to improve slowly as the year goes on. Like writing or language. I'd just want to scream at everyone when they know nothing at the beginning, and then scream at them again at the end when they haven't learned enough to make them very good. German I...yuck. Maybe that's just an excuse for me to be a disgruntled, under-payed teacher that has no passion...

I was reading this pair of books called the Something of the something and the Parable of the Talents. It's about a very believable dystopic future, where the US just kinda collapses. Hah, I called that dystopic! Utopic, more like it! (Flaming anti-national joke for the day). Moral of the paragraph is they're really good books.

It was freezing tonight. I was sitting in the usually unbearably hot concessions stand with a jacket on and shivering.

Tomorrow is the monthly 1.x tournament, and I probably won't get enough sleep and have to come up with the deck the second before the tournament. Sheee-it.

Seriously though, I like how Magic has taken kind of a back-seat to everything in my life. Proves I'm addicted, but it's not hopeless.

*resists desire to insert smiley faces*

*realizes am using action stars in a post*

*thinks self is rather poor for doing so*

Have a good night. You'll wake up freezing in the cold morning under your flimsy summer sheets.

And you'll love it.


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