What a lazy weekend.
I slept in both days; didn't really go out, either of them; didn't go to supper, either of them; and am only now getting to my homework.
I guess I had reason, though, with the knee slowing me to a crawl. But it still felt kind of wasted. And I missed my classes Friday because of it, and I'm going to miss at least three of them tomorrow because of the MRI and the follow-up, and I might leave for home Tuesday and miss my Wednesday classes...sigh. Not good.
Well, I'm getting a lot done tonight, and I really don't care. It's almost Thanksgiving break, and that kind of glosses over everything else, for various reasons. Food, the people, just doing things in a town that I'm intimately familiar with will be the most welcome thing in the world.
Hey guys, give me a political issue. Just post it in the comments. I really want to figure out where I stand on everything, and I'll answer as my next post, if I get any questions. Thanks!
I can't wait to see all of you at home!
ok, heres a doozy; wellfare/reform
It's the government's job to do for people what they can't do for themselves, as well as provide for those in need. Some sort of "charitable" system that encourages people to return to the workforce and supports them until the can do so should always be in place.
To be honest, I'm not really educated about the issue enough to say "this should be changed, specifically, in this way", but I do think that Welfare makes enough of a positive difference that it should remain.
As to privatizing welfare...well, that's not a very good idea. I'm against outsourcing governmental duties to private companies in general, as private companies don't exist purely to serve the customer's needs, whereas government does. If individual states want to enact Welfare laws or programs that provide additional support, through private companies or through taxes, then that would be awesome. However, the Federal government should always provide at least the minimum living wage to people who are out of work.
Poverty is disgusting, in a country so prosperous as America, and the Welfare system is an effective safety net to keep people out of its extremes and help them climb out.
what rights are most essential to America?
and what would you do to protect these rights/have you ever felt them at risk?
The most essential rights to America are those of the criminal system (habeus corpus, right to a trial, right to a lawyer, etc) and the right to free speech, assembly...all the others that have to do with organizing the people politically. Without such rights we wouldn't have an effective democracy, and that's all America can really claim, right now. We hardly have a perfect system anyway, just one of the best.
The only times I've felt my actual rights were threatened was at home. So much for Democracy when you're not 18.
do you think they should lower the voting age to 16?
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