the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I really like Glenn Miller.

Today's been relatively uneventful. I've got a lot of stuff due in the beginning bits of the week (two tests in my hardest classes on Monday, and a project due on Tuesday, not to mention I've got five hours of run crew to make up the next few weeks), so I've been practicing french (flashcards are t3ch) and am going to read up on Poli Sci tomorrow, and also interview my dad or mom about 1967-77, and turn it into a performance piece to be performed by me on Tuesday (that's the project).

There's been quite a lot of introspection circling the dorm, it seems, as people get quieter come the end of the semester, and the realization that it's almost too late to change grades for the better; too much of a pain in the ass to change classes for next semester; too close to finals to be comfortable with what you've learned, etc. It's just high-school with a much more tenous support net and the hassle of a roommate (which, except in the very rare circumstance that you fit together like puzzle pieces, IS a hassle, regardless of how well you get along).

So my point is that this atmosphere, with the added developments from people back from High School Evan's life, means I've caught the bug and am buckling down and being at least slightly more disciplined, if more out of fear and insecurity than self-motivation. It's amazing what hope and fear and existential developments, in general, can do to people. I'm doing french homework, and compiling an immense library of music to relax, as well as keep up my ebay sales and such.

I've also learned (or maybe just starkly realized, now) that I'm really bad with money. Not horrible, but I don't think ahead very much, and end up spending more than I should. So I'm going to have to mete out some discipline to that particular gremlin.

But the beautiful people are still beautiful, and I've managed to be more healthy wrt pretty much everything, and the air is still sharp, and clove smoke still feels wonderful on my tongue, having learned to roll my own clove-doobies passably well, and video games have (for the time being, at least) released me from their intoxicating embrace, and halloween lights light my room wonderfully, and I feel good, for the most part.

But mostly, the beautiful people are still beautiful.


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