the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

'Put this on that conservative child-genius site, but it didn't get all the way to him. Dunno what that means...*cough*

While I do not condone most of the comments made about the late Mr.
Tillman, I do take some offense to the basic tone of your article.

Why should the american left refuse support from Indymedia, or even
deny support to them? As the name states, Indymedia is an independent,
grass-roots, open to all organization, with many different spectra of
opinion represented within it.

Your statement that Pat Tillman's death was to protect freedom of
speech, and that slandering his sacrifice is an inappropriate act is both
partially true and misleading. While, when it comes down to it, the life
he gave was for the protection of the people currently disavowing
appreciation of it, people still have the right to state opinions. If their
opinion is that invading Afghanistan was wrong, and taking part in the
invasion or going so far as to join the
military to take part in it, then it is certainly their right to say

If they believe that his sacrifice was stupid, let me repeat: they have
the right to say so. In whatever terms necessary, whenever they want.
He died for it. Respect it.

Do not respect them for what they said, and do not respect Pat Tillman
for what he gave, but instead that liberals have the right to say what
they want, and that Pat Tillman gave his life for what he believed to
be a right and just cause.

It is not that he died, it is that he volunteered his life for a cause
he believed in in defense of others.

In conclusion, your call, latent as it was, for the liberal left to
withdraw supports of free-speech organizations is outrageous.

Pat Tillman died, in his, my, and certainly your opinion, so people
could say what they want. Please do not spit on his grave.

I know it's a bit redundant, but I gave little thought to it. You should check out this kid's site though, it's interesting. The link is on Jenny's lj.


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