the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Woah...step back.


So rumor has it that someone is angry with me. On a VEry related note, I will never understand girls. That's not a challenge, just a statement of fact. I'm missing all these clues and hints and sub-texts that I kind of get a whiff of, and they really get me thinking. I have a tendency to either over- or under-think. I don't like being tricked into thinking, guys. Give me, metaphorically speaking, 2 and 2, and you will NOT get 4.

Lauren! I hear ya! I will call ya! But the funny thing is, if I'm calling you I could also be IM-ing you, and then we could be all funny and stuff with fewer awkward silences and phone bills. My real AIM handle is neomancerIStaken. Not capitalized, but it's IS instead of WAS; neomancerWAStaken wouldn't fit in the stupid small box AOL made me put it in (assholes).

I really like having a car. Maybe this is just me reiterating points already made (get it?), but I really really like the freedom.

But the thing is (sorry, back to original topic), I can't just censor myself to make someone happy. I can be more...respectful is the right word, I guess, but I mean hey, look at the sub-title. This is why "the Elemental Me" exists. To spill my guts. And when someone tries to (again, metaphorically speaking) stick 'em back through my rib-cage, I get a little discombobulated, and start going overboard. Ever been in a situation where you're being super immature and you know it but you don't stop? I get like that when I'm tired, and I do dumb things that lack poise.

EXAMPLE: Today in English, someone...fuck it, Sierra, stared at me. I, being a moron with no sense of mystique or coolness or CONFIDENCE, even, gave her a funny look, grinned that doofus little grin I do when I can't stop smiling, and looked away.


Stupid, stupid, stUpid! What the hell was that? I must have looked like an eight year old, not at all sexy or romantic (and therefore, more funny than that moronic little face I made at her).

You might think that that is a small issue, but it isn't. I felt really stupid after that...and I do notice when I do things like that....But I keep on doing them!


Mary, I am a dousche. Such a huge, IGA brand dousche. Not even funny.

Also good example: Any time I talk to girls.

Seriously. Loyal readers not in posession of a pair of balls, talk to me. I will make an ass out of myself. You will be so disgusted you won't feel the need to come to my little drivel-zine. There, spend a minute MAX doing something unpleasant, get out of three minutes a day for the rest of your life.

Guys, here's my advice for the day. If she doesn't smile before you, you're doing something wrong.


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