the Elemental Me

I'm kind of a recluse, and I've started to realize the need to be more public so I don't start losing my friends during High School and the turmoil here I am.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003


So, Suze's not going to like this, but I think it needs to be said.

And I'm not going to like saying it.

Suze, 100 lbs is not a healthy weight. 135 is not being a "fat pig". This is not a relative scale. This is fact.
Anorexia is a mental illness. You are not right in what you do. You are sick. You are ill. You are not thinking clearly.
We are not going to let you do what you want you to do.
Doing that would not make you happy.
It would kill you.
You see, your body has a certain threshold at which it does not gain weight, has no excess fat, and does not eat itself.
That threshold was told to you by your doctor.
Pay attention to it.
Everyone wants control in their life. If chewing twenty times per bite gives you that control, so be it.
But merely being different is not a control. It is reactive, and unoriginal, and in your case, suicidal.
You need to have control.
But you need to keep it.

I'm sorry I'm posting this for everyone to see, but you did the same in your Blog, and frankly I'm tired of fighting the lone fight. I can't anymore. I need help to keep you alive. I'd like your help, but you don't seem interested in your long-term health.

I'll even say that it's not your fault you're thinking this way, but you need to realize that too.
You are being manipulated to think you have a choice.
And it isn't a choice.
It is a foregone conclusion.
You will grow up.
You will be healthy.
You will be beautiful.
You will fall in love.
You will die happy.
These things will happen, and every time you skip dinner, or lunch, or throw up as soon as you get home, you are taking a step down the dark path, away from your lover.
Away from your friends.
Away from the doors that are open to you.
And when you finally come to the end of the path, you won't be able to stop walking.
And you will tumble off the edge.
And you will leave everything that gives life meaning behind.
And you will not die happy.
Weight is not meaning.
Love is meaning.

You are not alone.

I am a compulsive eater. I come home from school today and splurged. I had two bowls of ice cream, some Craisins, and some pasta. That's not healthy. I've been doing it since middle school, maybe before.

But I'm trying to stop.
We can keep fighting.
Maybe that's what will define our lifes; the fight.
But everyone's life needs definition.
You will win the fight.


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